So, I woke up this morning and couldn't log onto my Facebook account. Mmmm, that's weird. Tried to log into my email and couldn't access that either. Mmmm, weird again. Then, I get a phone call from a childhood friend, Karen. She tells me that someone posing as me is chatting with her on Facebook! They are telling people that I am in London and need money!! How crazy is that? It's pretty frightening that someone can get your passwords for accounts online through the internet. :( Now, I'm going through and changing all of my passwords!
Hi Nikki - that is scarey. Happy Thanksgiving. I am glad you gave me this blog address so I could tell you something special. I was wishing I had flowers for the table today. I took a walk and as I rounded the corner on Oak Rd. there were your mother's marigolds, zinnias and snapdragons blooming. So I picked a few and now feel like your mother is here sharing Thanksgiving with me! One more thing I have to be thanksful today. And I am using my mother's bread pans, so I am thinking of her especially also. Holidays are still hard for me without my mother too. Memories are a mixed blessing sometimes.
ReplyDeleteWell too bad you aren't in London! But if you needed money that would be one of the last places to be.Ha. Ha. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.